Detailed information
Blind Via PCB Manufacturing
Vias, that is, copper plated holes, play a key role in the interconnection between layers in a printed circuit board. Generally speaking, vias in PCBs can be classified into the following categories: through-hole via, blind via and buried via. Blind/buried vias are widely applied in SMT (Surface Mount Technology) just to compensate for disadvantages of through-hole vias.
Blind via connects one external layer and one or more inner layers in printed circuit board, responsible for interconnection between top layer and inner layers or bottom layer and inner layers.
Our Capabilities of Blind Via PCB Manufacturing
Total Pad Size Standard Advanced Capture Pad Drill + 0.008 Drill + 0.006 Landing Pad Drill + 0.008 Drill + 0.006 BC Mechanical Drill (Type III) 0.008 0.006 Laser Drill Size 0.004-0.010 0.0025 Material Thickness 0.0035 0.0025 Stacked Via Yes Yes Type I Capabilities single & Double Deep Yes Yes Type II Capabilities Buried Vias with Microvias Yes Yes Type III Capabilities Yes Yes Copper Filled Microvia Yes Yes Smallest Copper Filled Microvia 0.004 0.0025 Copper Filled Microvia Aspect Ratio 0.75:1 1:1 Smallest Laser Microvia Hole Size 0.004 0.0025 Laser Via Aspect Ratio (Depth:Diameter) 0.75:1 1:1 Costs and Quotation of Blind Via PCB Manufacturing
The total costs of blind via PCB manufacturing and PCB assembly services are mainly determined by PCB dimension, laminate thickness, surface finish, layer(s), other special technical requirements (such as blind & buried via, impedance), components, numbers of soldering pads and test plan. You can send PCB files (Gerbers) and BOM to get instant quotation within 24 hours.
Up to now, we're capable of providing mechanically drilled and laser drilled solutions. When it comes to mechanical drilling, via diameter ranges from 0.2mm to 0.4mm while 0.1mm for laser drilling.